The daily schedule is designed to accommodate the social, developmental, and intellectual needs of each class. Stories, songs, and conversation are all age appropriate and reflect the ability of each group of children. A flexible schedule permits us to enhance and extend a subject that the children have taken a particular interest in, and also allows us to use the special skills of each working parent.
Free Exploration: A time to explore a variety of activities including art, science, blocks, dramatic play, sensory table, music, games, manipulative toys, our storytelling table, books, puzzles, games, and activities with a teacher or small groups of children.
Circle Time: A time to share interests, read books, sing songs, dance and movement activities, follow a daily calendar, express ourselves, and learn to listen.
Snack Time: A time to wash our hands, share conversation, work on table manners, and learn about different foods.
Small Group Activities: A time for children to work in small groups on specific learning targets such as: math skills, drawing, story telling, and executive function skills.
Large Muscle Activities: A time to explore the outside, dance, walk, run, jump, climb and just be a kid.